Month: December 2014


Out Of Egypt

One year when our family was traveling through Ohio on the way to Grandma’s house, we arrived in Columbus just as a tornado warning was issued. Suddenly everything changed as we feared that our children might be in danger.

Replacing ugly lies with the beauty of the Truth–Doris’ Story

Hidden and isolated from the world, Doris grew up in a polygamist family, often held hostage by fear, lies, and abuse. Learn how she discovered the true freedom only found in Jesus Christ! Find freedom from what’s holding you hostage. Find out more of what the Bible says about “how to identify a dangerous religious...

Discover the true harmony Christ accomplished in the past, present, and future

At Jesus’ birth, an army of angels declared “peace on earth.” Yet, as we look around today, both personal and global conflicts remain. So where’s this peace that was promised? Let’s discuss Jesus’ role as “Prince of Peace.”

the source of joy

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your level of joy?

In The Neighborhood

It was the buzz of our neighborhood. A famous professional football player had moved in just two houses down from where we lived. We had seen him on television and read about his great skills on the field, but we never thought he would choose to reside in our neighborhood. Initially, our expectations were that we would welcome him into the neighborhood and we would all become great friends. But his life was obviously far too busy for any of us to get to know him personally.

Discover how Jesus can be our Father and yet remain the Promised Child!

Ready for a Christmas riddle? The Bible calls Jesus both “The Son of God” and “Everlasting Father.” But how can Christ be both? An eye-opening Christmas edition.

the right time

In a speech given during the commencement of a newly formed missions agency, my friend—who heads up the ministry—spoke of its mission and vision. He also gave everyone a clear picture of its goals and plans.

The Smells Of The Stable

A stable? What a place to give birth to the Messiah! The smells and sounds of a barnyard were our Savior’s first human experience. Like other babies, He may even have cried at the sounds of the animals and the strangers parading around His temporary crib.

Isaiah’s depiction of Jesus as “Mighty God”

Long before any costumed characters wearing tights and capes flew onto the scene, the Bible described a real life Superhero! See how Christ is our greatest hero.

the gift

Most people aren’t naturally wired to say they can die in peace. One has to experience something profound to mouth those words! But that’s precisely what Simeon said as he held baby Jesus in his arms. He said to God, “Let your servant die in peace” (Luke 2:29).

Do Something Different This Christmas!

What is the best Christmas gift you have ever received? For children, it could be the latest toy or game that they have been bugging their parents for. For youth, perhaps new clothes, new shoes, or even the latest handphone they have been eyeing. For adults, maybe […]

Lasting Peace

On Christmas Eve 1914, during the First World War, the guns fell silent along a 30-mile stretch of the Western Front. Soldiers peered cautiously over the tops of trenches while a few emerged to repair their positions and bury the dead. As darkness fell, some German troops set out lanterns and sang Christmas carols. Men on the British side applauded and shouted greetings.

Let’s look at what it means to call Jesus “Wonderful Counselor”

Hundreds of years before Christ’s birth, the prophet Isaiah described the wonder and wisdom of Jesus in two simple, yet profound words. A special Christmas study.


On October 31, 2003, 13-year-old Bethany Hamilton was attacked by a 14-foot tiger shark while surfing off the North Shore in Hawaii. Bethany survived, but she lost her left arm and more than 60 percent of her blood in the assault.

What Really Matters

When our children were living at home, one of our most meaningful Christmas morning traditions was very simple. We would gather our family around the Christmas tree where, in sight of the gifts we were receiving from one another, we would read the Christmas story together. It was a gentle reminder that the reason we give gifts is not because the Magi brought gifts to the Christ-child. Rather, our gifts of love for one another were a reflection of God’s infinitely greater Gift of love to us.

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